Q: How long should my silk press last?

A: A minimum of two weeks with proper home care.

Q: Will hair color damage my hair?


A: Lightening your hair can gently alter your natural pattern. Our ultimate goal is always to protect your natural strands' integrity so, to prevent damage, we do a thorough consultation to see what is necessary to get to your color goal and give you realistic expectations and time line for your process. You may not get the color you want in a day, maybe not even in a month (without damaging your hair) but with proper care and consistency, we will get the color you want and you’ll still have plenty of hair to show your new color off!

Q: How often should I get my hair pressed?

A: No more than twice a month. This frequency should maintain the health and integrity of your hair best.


Q: What’s the difference between a Custom Hair Cut and a Trim?

A: Trim will not exceed 2 inches. Anything greater than 2 inches (including blunt cuts, layers, adding shape, etc) will be considered and charged as a Custom Hair Cut. This will be discussed during your appointment and you have the final say in how much hair you would like cut. No surprises here!

Q: Should I book for a Blow Out w/ Style (add on) or Silk Press?

A: The difference between these services is determined by timing and technique. A Blow + Style takes under an hour & med-large size (depending on your desired result) sections are styled to polish your round brush blow out lightly. This service typically lasts five to seven days, depending on your home care. A Silk Press takes an hour or longer and smaller sections are taken infusing a silky smooth finish into each strand, this service also includes an optional silk wrap under the dryer. It typically lasts up to two weeks depending on your home care. *If your hair normally takes longer than 45-55 mins you will be considered a silk press.